Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hari ni hangit + hangat...
Hangit coz i made a mistake in my job.. Urgghh.. It should not happen in the first place..I wish i can turn back time n correct it..but im only a human dat cant escape from doing a stupid mistake..

Hangat coz my team gimme a full support n cheer me up..thank u so much gurls coz giving me another chance


  1. cheer up babe... semua org made mistake coz we r human. so it is ok to make mistake as long as we took the mistake as a lesson n not repeat it..cheer up k dear.

  2. darling, i link ur blog to mine.
    happy blogging

  3. melo...thanks..ya..take it n learn from it..i'm ok...

    okie dokie n happy blogging too :)
