Friday, June 18, 2010


teringat psal ape ye??ermm..actually tadi br lepas layan gambo2 kt fb yg diupload oleh member..sonok sgt bl tgk gmba dulu2 zman cm br je lagi..padehal da bethun tinggalkan zaman study..rindu giler nk balik ke zaman tu..pahit manis sme ade kt ctu..the best moment in my life is when i was in uni..really had a great time there especially with snoodies, 4 years been together make me miss them so much..i wish i could hang out with them more often but too bad i couldn't coz i'm far away from them :(

snoodies...this is for u

a friend is like a pearl,
that u can hardly find in one shell,
but i'm so glad that i can find 9 pearls in one shell,

u cheer me up whenever i cry,
u help me out whenever i'm in trouble,
u lend me your shoulder whenever i need,

so hear me out when i say...
u bright up my life with full of joy, happiness & colours,
which i can't rub from my memory,
i'll never stand alone coz i know there will be another 9 shadows who always be my backbone
snoodies, u r my soul..u r my heart..u r my strength, u r my everything
i luv u so muchhhh BFF


  1. thanks dear pearl!! kan....luv u tooo...rindu giler ngan snoodies kannnnnnn... too bad kit axleh jumpa semuanya selalu. looking fwd for july! yahhhh!!

  2. yala melody..starting to count down :)
    1 month to go..
